Once you have arranged a surgical booking you will be sent SCDS Patient Admission Forms. These forms need to be completed and returned to us in the included reply-paid envelope as soon as possible, or at least 7 days prior to your admission. Alternatively, you may fax them to (03) 9830 8759, or email them to
You will receive a call from a nurse generally a week before your surgical admission. The nurse will confirm all necessary admission and medical details required for your surgery. Nursing staff are available during clinic hours to answer any questions you have.
Please inform the staff at time of booking or as soon as possible if you - Are currently are suffering from a viral illness or infectious disease (e.g. COVID, respiratory illnesses, flu, measles, chicken pox, shingles, diarrhoea or vomiting etc.) - Have been in contact with anyone in the past month suffering with any of the above viral illnesses or infectious disease - Have travelled overseas in the last 4 weeks - Are planning a holiday within 4-6 weeks after your scheduled surgery - Have any planned surgeries within 4 weeks after your scheduled procedure (e.g. hip or knee joint replacement) - Have a current Treatment Limiting Order - Have a medical power of attorney or medical treatment decision maker - Are taking blood thinning medication - Have a condition requiring special assistance, e.g. Mobility issues, cognitive issues etc - Are unable to sit in a chair for an extended period of time - Require a support person to stay with you during your care - Require the assistance of an interpreter - Have recently changed private insurance providers, GP, or your address - If you have become unwell prior to your admission (or if your health has deteriorated), you should contact SCDS as your surgery may need to be postponed until you are well.
While we acknowledge that skin lesion removal is considered a relatively minor procedure performed under local anaesthetic, anxiety may impact on an individual's thought processes and judgement.
If you are having a lesion removed that may impact your ability to see or drive safely (facial, hands, lower limbs procedures) or micrographic surgery (it is difficult to know how long you will be in hospital and how large the incision will be), or you could be affected by anxiety, you should consider arranging for someone to escort you home.
In the interest of your own safety and well-being and as part of our duty of care, we advise that you should have a support person to stay with you for a minimum of overnight, but ideally for 24 hours after discharge. This support person must be able to obtain medical assistance if required. If you are unable to make these arrangements, please speak to our nursing staff.
Visitors may wait in the waiting room. Alternatively, nursing staff will contact your nominated person when you are ready to be discharged.
There is free car parking available at the rear of the hospital, and either sides of Mavron Street. Angled parking is available on Cleveland Road - please note any parking restrictions.
You will be contacted prior to admission about any estimated out-of-pocket costs. The Receptionist will confirm this with you on admission. All patients are required to settle accounts in full on admission at reception. We accept payment via Cash or EFTPOS and credit card (Visa and Mastercard).